A dramatic redefinition of his life based on balancing out his systems gave Jerry more than what he dreamed possible. Proof that taking care of the basic life sustaining functions beats those searches for miracle cures. To go from a scheduled surgery and a wheelchair to walking again, pain free, is truly life changing.

The body is an amazing complex system that when taken care of with sound preventative measures, functions at the highest level. We all are faced with choices each day that require awareness of  what we are putting in our bodies. Is it bad food or good food?

For Jerry changing some very simple directions, and feeding his body the best nutrition, enabled his blood sugars to stabilize and then his blood to clean up so that he regained circulation in his legs and feet which enabled nutrients, oxygen and his bodies functions to clear up a very difficult and serious situation so he didn’t have the amputation and was able to walk again with out assistance.

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